The GreenLink XLR delivers remarkable sound quality.


AR Sound GreenLink interconnect include an anti-resonant polymer within the DIN plugs.

This special high visco-elasticity polymer provides an airborne vibration isolation between the cable and the connected equipment (Pre-amp/Power-amp/Power supply).  Another benefit of using this damping polymer is a reduction in the microphonicity of the plug by controlling and lowering the resonance frequency of the plug.

What is microphonicity?:  Music played in the room produces vibrations in the air and the interconnect, and the vibrating cable transforms this energy into an electric signal that interferes with and distorts the original music signal travelling from the music source to the amplifier. Lowering the distortion caused by a vibrating interconnect is overlooked by most manufacturers.

The visco-elastic polymer damping any resonance or ringing in the metal plug and the cable, thus preventing it getting into and distorting the source music signal.

The result is better focus and resolution, with a more solid bass line and dynamic presentation.


The cable used to compose this special interconnect has been expertly selected from many top quality cables being used in the aerospace industries.

The AR Sound GreenLink XLR use a low capacitance wire (115pF/meter). Low capacitance is an important factor in selecting a proper interconnect.

The GreenLink XLR interconnect pair contains Green cable pair, each Green cable contains two 22 AWG copper alloy twisted pair wires with Teflon™ (PTFE) insulation  and fully screened. (two Green cables for each channel. close up picture showing one of the

two wires used for a single channel:)

Technical specifications:

75/100/120 Centimetres of two Shielded twisted pairs per each channel contains four 19/34AWG silvered copper alloy stranded wires. 

(total of 1.68 mm square cut for each channel - 4 X 22AWG)

primary conductors Insulation:  1/16" PTFE.

Shield:  silver plated OFC copper (92% coverage)

Outside Diameter:  6 mm

External colour:  Semi-transparent light green.

The Green cable pair allowing the use  of one main conductor for hot

and the another conductor for return while screen Serves as a protective

shield.  The GreenLink XLR use twin Green cable construction. The main

pair of conductors in each Green cable twisted to further enhance RF

rejection of the cable. first barrier avoiding RF noise from penetrating into the cable is the screen and the secondary treatment is the twisting of the internal pair.

The main pair of  twisted conductors in each Green cable is made of a special, aerospace grade copper alloy carefully selected after extensive listening tests for its superb sonic qualities and durability. the copper alloy wire comprises a silver content which allows for better bonding to the silver solder used to make this superb interconnect.

The interconnect insulation is made of  Teflon™ (PTFE), PTFE is the best insulation material used in the cables industry which has the lowest dielectric absorption.

Using Teflon™ (PTFE) as insulation is a prime consideration in Hi-End interconnects. Teflon maintains a low capacitance and very high resistance between the internal leads which keeps interaction between channels to minimum.

The low dielectric absorption of Teflon allow locating the main conductors in the Green cable in very tight configuration- which renders the Green very high bandwidth cable while maintaining a low capacitance. Yet another benefit is that Teflon also bonds very tightly to the metal conductors and prevents oxidation of the metal over the years. It is only the high cost of Teflon (PTFE) cables which leads manufactures to choose inferior plastics, such as PVC, as insulation.

Teflon is also highly durable- actually you can put the AR Sound GreenLink XLR in the oven at 180 Celsius degrees and nothing will happens to the lead! - except to the rubber gourmet of the XLR connector.

The Neutrik XLR connectors contacts are made of gold plated brass and this ensures a superb connection point without pin oxidation over time. The Neutrik XLR connectors have been proved for many years and had established their reputation for robust and reliable performance.

Directionality mark is added at the source side with the logo "AR Sound GreenLink"


GreenLink XLR

 Hi-end XLR  stereo pair interconnects

Sound Quality

The first thing you will notice is details you have missed before.  It's as though a curtain over the music has been removed.

The music details you will hear will flow effortlessly, in a natural manner, without any emphasis on the upper-mid frequencies like many "detailed" interconnects do.

The bass region is clean, very fast and solid, free from distort ion or time smears.

Superb sounding midrange frequencies - crisp detailed "sweet" vocals enable the listener to follow the singer's words easily.

High frequencies are crystal clear and natural - without any glare. Brasses sounds become devoid of the harsh metallic sound common in many other interconnects. Woodwind instruments are presented with the correct tonal balance and timbre, showing the real sound texture of the wood and lacking the "Plastic" sonic texture of inferior interconnects.

The sound stage is wide and clear, with superb focus.
